
vegetables, fruits, food

Food Charities Stretched to Their Limits by the Pandemic

Globally, people have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic in a multitude of ways. One of the effects of the pandemic has been that more people are struggling to put food on the table. Despite the UK being one of the richest countries in the world, Sustain UK, a charity providing accommodation for vulnerable adults, estimates that …

Food Charities Stretched to Their Limits by the Pandemic Read More »

Growing Food a Lot Closer to Home

Over the past year, we have all had to think about where our food is coming from. The stark reality of empty supermarket shelves was an impactful sight, reminding us that all our food doesn’t magically appear on the shelves for us to purchase and take home. In the UK, we import 45% of our food. …

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British Fishing Needs to be Thrown a Lifeline

If you’re living in the UK, you would have been hard pressed to avoid seeing news over the last week or so about the difficulties British fish and seafood companies are facing due to Brexit (Brexit: Seafood lorries park near Downing Street in protest over new rules causing severe delays at EU border | UK …

British Fishing Needs to be Thrown a Lifeline Read More »

Why Small, Local Growers could put Big Growers out of Business

Many of us have the luxury of going to a supermarket or grocery store, picking our groceries off the shelves, and placing them in our basket, without a second thought about the journey they have been on to arrive here. It is only when those shelves start to look a little bare, as many did …

Why Small, Local Growers could put Big Growers out of Business Read More »