Many of you may be aware that yesterday was World Ocean’s Day. Regardless of where in the world we live, the oceans influence everyone’s lives. Therefore, the health of our oceans is of paramount importance for maintaining the health of the whole planet and ourselves. Now, perhaps more than ever before, the oceans are changing as a result of humans. These changes are happening so rapidly and with such force that they will require a lot of effort to halt. And halt them we must, as the changes that are occurring are, mostly, very damaging to the entire oceanic ecosystem.
How are Humans Damaging the Oceans?
One of these changes is the rapid depletion of fish stocks. In the UK, 6 of the 10 most economically important fish stocks are overfished or their stock levels are at critical levels. Unsustainable fishing around the world is of great concern. Without healthy fish populations, not only will the availability of fish for consuming decrease, but the food chains within the oceans that these fish are a part of will suffer greatly too. Predators such as whales, dolphins, and seals will struggle to find enough to eat, damaging their populations. The food the fish themselves eat will increase in abundance, changing the composition of the ecosystem. This can have disastrous effects, allowing toxic algae, once controlled by fish that eat it, to run riot.

Photo by Brandon Sok on Unsplash.
World Ocean’s Day Highlights the Need for Sustainability
Many populations around the world depend on fish as a big part of their diet. This is especially true for a number of indigenous populations, who have sustainably fished for centuries. For this reason, we cannot allow unsustainable fishing to continue, as it is likely to have the greatest impact the world’s poorest communities. So, how can we fish more sustainably?
How Can We Act More Sustainably?
The first way to fish more sustainably is to reduce the number of fish we remove from the oceans. This sounds simple, but in practice can be a difficult thing to enforce. Quotas for fishing must be reduced, and this can have a big economic impact on fishing businesses. However, this could be encouraged by helping to reduce the proportion of catches that goes to waste.
Vitabeam Can Help Make Every Day World Ocean’s Day!
Wastage in the fish and seafood industry is thought to cost the industry at least $22.5 billion every year. Vitabeam wants to help reduce the amount of fish and seafood that goes to waste. By using our patented, world-first light energy, Vitabeam can kill bacteria and mold on fish and seafood. This keeps it fresher, cleaner, and safer for longer, extending its shelf-life and keeping consumers healthy. Additionally, by reducing the amount that goes to waste, we reduce the amount that needs to be caught. This results in a smaller impact on the oceans, leaving more fish in the seas to keep ecosystems healthy.
We can all do small things to keep our oceans healthy, including reducing our plastic consumption. Vitabeam can play a key role in reducing wastage of fish and seafood, in packaging, retail and in the home. The future really is brighter with Vitabeam!